Felix' Ramblings
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Dream Diary: A Home I Do Not Recognize

My dreams, generally, are an incoherent mess. They aren't realistic (visually nor story-wise), they aren't cool, and I don't get much out of them. I used to have a little notebook as a dream diary, but as I ran out of space I kinda just stopped doing that. Besides, I usually wake up in the middle of the night at least once, and getting yourself to write legible notes while still half asleep is pretty annoying.

But regardless, the concept and the way dreams are experienced fascinates me. For example, my dreams are barely visual (think like snapshots of a storyboard of something), I barely remember audio cues after waking up and all other senses are basically non-existent. But in my circle of friends, these experiences / senses involved differ quite a bit. And that's without getting into the actual plot of a dream.

But last night's dream was somewhat unique for me.

The story itself wasn't ouf of the ordinary: I dreamt that a class from my old school did a field trip to the netherlands and back. But we had some freetime and were supposed to meetup at a busstation back in germany. However, for some reason (which totally made sense in my dream), the teacher had my ID. I was taking a bus which was supposed to drive for 70 minutes to a station in germany, where I'd meet the teacher, get my ID and swap busses to get back to the meetup-spot. But a ticket inspector wanted to see my ID and was threatening to give a fine. After some back and forth the guy decided to let it slide - and suddenly I realized that the bus just drove past the street of my house. So I got off the next stop [0], and walked back a street. There I met a childhood friend of mine, we exchanged a few sentences, and I continued walking to my house, where, after entering through the main door, I woke up.

I spend some time thinking about that dream after I woke up - which is the reason why decided to write this all down. There are lots of oddities; none of which are actually that interesting, but I'll save them just in case.

The thing which surprised me most: That wasn't my actual home; no aspect of it had any resemblance to my home, nor to any places I somewhat frequently visit. The streets were completely different, I didn't get to see the "dream house" itself, but the entry to the door is wildly different as well.

Boy am I bad at drawing. Oh well, point is, I needed to walk "past" the house itself and around a corner. So the main entrance of the home was "at the back of it". I do remember a lower garage for the neighbours to the right, for some reason

As I said, I don't remember much of the house itself. My memory consist of:

The archway got my attention. It felt very familiar and I felt "safe" at that place (safe from what?). In hindsight I should have scribbled the archway down immediately after waking up, because I continued sleeping so I lost a bunch of details of it. I feel like I have seen the archway before, but I can't recall from where. My crudely and somewhat recollection from my dream looks like this:

Whatever the top thingy actually was, I remember it being more "round", but my few attempts of adjusting the sketch just made it look "wrong".

By writing this whole wall-of-text I'm making this a way bigger deal than it actually is, which wasn't my intention. I just need to get this out of my system. Feeling that much comfort and safety from a completely foreign place is just a very... new(?) / odd experience for me. If anything, I usually tend to react the opposite way.

Here comes the part which fucks with my mind a bit: The layout of the streets feel familiar from other dreams. I am fully aware that this could be [1] just my brain messing with me / making up memories / matching vague but irrelevant memories with this dream. Doesn't help me with this weird feeling though. I decided to briefly sketch a top-down view of the street(s) (with the path I took within the dream):

A quick map of the streets near my "dream home". I exited the bus (1), walked (2) and crossed the street (3). There I met my friend on some grassy field road (4) and I ended up on "my street" again (5) where I entered my home (6).

I distinctly remember the street at the bottom matching up with an older dream (a few months? half a year maybe?) I had: The left site of the street just kind of faded into this grassy-path, while the right side of the street leads into the village/city.

I also remember a completely different dream having the same bus "route events":

I'm gonna be honest: I have no idea why I decided to write this whole thing down. The images I scribbled are incredibly generic and not interesting at all. I just want to make sure that, if I happen to have a dream which "matches" with my previous experiences, that they actually match and my brain is not just making shit up just to troll me bit.

[0]: Yes, getting my ID and meeting up with the class became irrelevant just like that.

[1]: (and probably is)

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 Felix' Ramblings