Given that humans communicate with each other every single day, we sure are incredibly fucking bad at it. It's one of the few things which makes me irrationally angry, so I might as well put my anger into this wall of text.
The latest incident on my end happened yesterday. I received a text message saying:
I'm not exaggerating: Never in my life was a call preceding with just "it's important" actually important enough for me to drop all of my shit and call them. In every single fucking case, a text message with 2-5 sentences would have been sufficient.
This has happened (several times) with family, friends and strangers. And it's triggering the fuck out of me. If it's actually important - why the fuck don't you give me a quick rundown? Every single fucking time I call and the gist of the conversation is handled within 20 seconds.
I'm tired of it. I won't be answering any of these anymore as a matter of principle (and spite [0]).
What kind of logic is this? We have the technology to send text messages, which is the sole reason why someone was able to notify me in the first place. It's an asynchronous medium. Do you know how awesome that is? Someone can send message without the other party actively expecting to receive it. For important shit, that's fantastic: I'll give you all of the important information, maybe with additional requests (like fucking "can we discuss this more in detail?" or something), and as soon as I can I am able to read this and decide for myself on what to do next. Even better, I am able to respond with another text message, maybe even resolving the whole issue.
But no. What people tend to do is to send me a text message saying "It's important". The issue at hand is (so far 100% of the time) in some form of quantum superposition, in which it requires immediate attention, but it is not important enough to spend one minute writing a few sentences so I can get the information as soon as possible. It gets even more ironic: After not reaching me immediately, there tends to be a solid 50% chance of them spamming the message over several other channels: Other messangers, Email, or even telling other people to message me as well.
Do you realize how much effort that is? How a fucking fraction of that effort could have been spent on just fucking texting me the fucking issue? How much faster this whole thing could have been resolved? No, that is apparently impossible. Instead of spending a minute, one rather waits for the next opportunity of a synced schedule so they can describe the problem over the phone. Probably because of some "convenience", or because "it's easier" or "faster" - which is just wrong.
But don't get me wrong: I don't want to dodge phone calls at all costs. Quite the opposite: Most (if not all) important conversations I had were over the phone. Some of which even required immediate attention. The important calls I had so far
And I'm not talking a life or death situation. Giving me an urgent call can be for the most miniscule reason:
and you bet your ass I'll try to reach them as soon as I can [1]. All I want is to not be stressed out over stupid shit that
Oh that's not all of it, don't you worry. There is so much more I can rant about:
Oh how I fucking hate the dialogue tree.
I'm not exaggerating: I have ended friendships with
people who did this shit consistently.
Some of my friends and family are still doing this to some
extent, and it annoys me greatly.
It's best explained by the following image:
It's a gigantic waste of both of our time. Just fucking talk about the thing you actually want to talk about. You are not "rude" if you don't start the convo with a greeting. If you still feel bad, just put all of your shit in one message. For the love of god, don't make me walk all of the fucking tree myself, sending a single message after each fucking element and expecting me to give you an answer. Posting a text message only consisting of "hey" can basically be completely ignored.
That is not to say that I we can't talk about the things that happened during the day, your feelings or just smalltalk in general. If that is the point of the conversation, that is perfectly fine. I just hate it when people try to "pad" their conversations with this when they don't actually care about it.
Asking to ask is a common phenomenon, which is also incredibly infuriating to me. So common in fact that several people have dedicated websites for this. Basically a short form of the dialogue tree, just even more pointless.
This is never a short / quick thing. This shit always takes up way too much time. And fucking 75% of the time my responds ends up being either
Again, the leitmotif of this rant, just send me a fucking text message:
Last one, because I can probably write about this shit for weeks. Especially with computer related problems, people are so fucking incredibly bad at asking things. There's an even longer wall of text on how to ask questions, but here is the short form I mostly care about:
[0]: something something the boy who cried wolf
[1]: Some of these instances have happened before and I think some of my friends could back me up on that.