Super spontaneous post, a short announcement in order to hold myself (more) accountable: I will try to perceive / talk to myself in a more positive light, and I guess we'll see how that works out and where I end up.
Everyone keeps saying that you shouldn't belittle oneself, but for some reason I never thought about why. My intuition tells me it's because there's a fine line between "reasonable self-criticism" and "the downwards spiral of self-hatred". But as long as I don't feel depressed, it's fine, right?
Here's a short series of statements. If they are true and/or logically follow from another, then they make a pretty good argument as to why I should work on my perception of myself:
Obviously I don't disregarding any self-criticism in favor of "I'm great, actually". But, at least for the moment, I believe just shifting the perspective on some issues in a more neutral light could positively influence the development of oneself. Maybe even giving yourself a pat on the back at the end of the day for finishing task x, even if it's just a routine, or something mundane.