Felix' Ramblings
Posts by Date | Posts by Name | Recordings

An Update on Various Things
Baking Bread
Burn Down The Tower Of Software
C++ People Must Be Trolling
Decentralized Internet
Dream Diary: A Home I Do Not Recognize
Dreams And Reoccurring Nightmares
Entering The World of Work
Fix Your God Damn Audio Mixing
Forcing A Positive Perception Of Oneself
How Did University Affect Me?
I Hate: Audio On Linux
I Hate: C++ (and its whole toolchain)
I Hate: Communication
I Hate: Everything?!
I Hate: Python
I Hate: The Web
Pleased With Progress
Procrastinating by Creating This Website
Stories And Types Of Media
Stream of Thoughts: Self-Criticism
Stream of Thoughts: What Do I Like?
The Sad State of Development Tools and Features
What If I Don't Improve Myself?