Felix' Ramblings
Posts by Date | Posts by Name | Recordings

Forcing A Positive Perception Of Oneself
How Did University Affect Me?
Burn Down The Tower Of Software
Dreams And Reoccurring Nightmares
Baking Bread
Pleased With Progress
Stories And Types Of Media
Fix Your God Damn Audio Mixing
Entering The World of Work
I Hate: Everything?!
C++ People Must Be Trolling
The Sad State of Development Tools and Features
Decentralized Internet
An Update on Various Things
I Hate: Python
I Hate: C++ (and its whole toolchain)
I Hate: Communication
What If I Don't Improve Myself?
I Hate: Audio On Linux
Stream of Thoughts: What Do I Like?
Stream of Thoughts: Self-Criticism
Dream Diary: A Home I Do Not Recognize
I Hate: The Web
Procrastinating by Creating This Website